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Github Assistant: Manage Issues and Pull Requests from Your Terminal

Simon Busch


Stay organized and boost your productivity with this Rust-based terminal application for GitHub.


As developers, we are constantly juggling multiple projects, issues, and pull requests on GitHub. Keeping track of everything can become a daunting task, especially when our work is spread across different repositories and organizations. We need tools that allow us to streamline our workflow, stay organized, and quickly access the information we need. Enter Github Assistant, a Rust-based terminal application designed to help you manage your GitHub issues and pull requests with ease.

In this article, I will walk you through the features and functionality of Github Assistant, show you how to set it up and demonstrate how it can improve your workflow on GitHub. By the end of this article, you will be equipped with a powerful new tool to help you stay on top of your work and enhance your productivity.


Github Assistant offers several useful features, including:

  1. View assigned issues and pull requests: See a list of all the issues and pull requests assigned to you across different repositories and organizations. Stay on top of your work by easily accessing the title, repository…



Simon Busch

Full Stack JS/TS @code4rena building the future of smart contract auditing. Solidity/blockchain security learner 🚀